9 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

Akira Rabelais - Spellewauerynsherde (2004)

the music on spellewauerynsherde is as unusual as its title which, redefined, reads ‘spell.wavering.shard.’―‘spell’ alluding to the effect cast by its hypnotic incantatory voices, ‘wavering’ their shivering quality once filtered through Rabelais’ Argeïphontes Lyre software and ‘shard’ their fragmentary character. After Rabelais discovered forgotten tape recordings of traditional Icelandic a cappella singing, he found himself so transfixed by the female voices’ heartbreaking sound that he decided to digitally weave them into pulsating drones. By exhuming these phantom, siren-like voices and digitally reconfiguring them, Rabelais’ haunting recording straddles medieval and modern eras. Don’t think that he smothers the remnants with distracting treatments, though. His approach is far subtler; in some cases, voices seemingly stand unadorned of any added embellishment. (source)

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